Well the deal is... we are in training.When we left Banjul, we came to Jenoi agricultural Training center for some basic orientation stuff. we spent three nights there and then moved to what is called our training villages. My training village is Kaif and I live in the village with seven other Americans. Four of them live in a different part of the village, and me and three others are live close to each other. Everyday we go to language class with our teacher. we learn and then go home with our host families to just get the hang of living, the lifestyle, the language and the pace. I really like my host family, There are three sisters and three brothers that I know are mine for sure. There are a million kids at any given moment so there could be some others related to me that I just dont remember their names. My mom and sisters make millet flour every night. They take the millet off the plant and beat it down in a large pot by hand. Its like a huge mortar and pestil system. Then my mom takes the flower and makes little flour balls, which gets cooked in the morning into pouridge. Rice for lunch and rice for dinner. I normally spend the first few hours after dark just sitting on the porch on a mat. My little sister is really good about speaking to me slowly and using simple words, so me and her talk, and she also translates for everybody else. It cools off at night so thats good hanging out time. the language lessons are really useful, for example one day this week we did transportation language, so today our assignment was to ride the bus to the city. I found out that I will be permanently going to a place called Sami Koto, which is way up the country on the other side of Basse. We visit there in a couple of weeks so I should have more to report. I feel like it is so beautiful and great that I havent been able to describe any of it adequately in words. In December, when training is over, hopefully I can give some pictures and a better representation.I got everyones emails and thanks so much. I thought it would be easier to write this though.If you have any questions please email me and i will try and tell you all about it next time.Miss you guys and love you alot. Things are good!
Dill - Looks like Sami will be in a really neat spot! J and I just looked at it on Google Earth. You are at the tail end of the country! I also saw that the Wassu Stone Circles might be on your way there - they look really cool. Hope your hitting it off with your fellow troops. Will any of them be near you when you move in December? Love JZ P.S. we went to Matt and Chelsea's wedding this weekend and they played two of the songs that the mariachi's sang at your party. We also watched a video of them time they were over and we all played shirades. Good times.