Saturday, December 14, 2013

 On the right is my sister, her name is Isatoo Sanneh. She talked with me every night in Mandinka, and whenever someone else wanted to talk to me they always said it to her and told her to translate it for me. She is 15 and the oldest of my mom's daughters still in the compound at Kaif. In the middle is Hawa, she about 10 and though shes not looking at the camera dont feel bad for her, she abruptly jumped in every picture that I tried to take of Isa. On the far right is the youngest, Sarjo. Shes 5 and looks pretty intense and mean, and she really scared me at first, but then I figured out that she is just  not saying much because she is shy.
 This is the sun coming up behind a baobab tree. The building is a storage barn for the last compound on the outskirts of Kaif. When I wanted to walk this was my route.
 This is Pabi. He is 13, but is as nice as any grandpa you have ever met. His compound was where we went to school. He walked our group to a dance once, and the dance was as loud as any club you could find back home. Like you would call the police because you couldn't sleep if this club was within 5 miles of your house. Well Pabi got tired, and instead of going home when he was tired, he sat down inside of this dancehall and fell asleep with techno music blaring in his face until we woke him up and said that we were leaving, then he walked us back home.
This is a towel with Zabeth's name on it. Its a functional keepsake because I get to think of Zabeth, see her name, use something of hers, and plus get dry. Its drying in the backyard and the blue bucket on the ground is for bathing.

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